We have created this expert directory to facilitate the accessibility of the work being done on fuel poverty. We hope it will be used by journalists and the media to quickly and easily find subject matter experts on all aspects of fuel poverty. This will enable the research community to add our evidence to the discussion and use it to support policy changes.

The directory is part of the Fuel Poverty Evidence project. We aim to capture the extent and diversity of this wide-ranging field of research. If you would like to be included, please complete this simple form.

Showing 6 matches. Use the filters to explore.

Professor Aimee Ambrose

Professor of Energy and Society

Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR)

Sheffield Hallam University

Sheffield, UK

Fuel poverty
Energy policy
Low carbon transitions
Private rental sector

Australia & New Zealand
UK & Ireland

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Prof. Ralph Horne

Associate Deputy Vice Chancellor and Professor of Geography

Post-Carbon Research Centre

RMIT University


Fuel poverty
Energy retrofit
Energy policy
Low carbon transitions
Net zero
Vulnerable people

Australia & New Zealand
UK & Ireland

I am doing multi-site research over time in England and Australia, and across Europe. While this work is not comparative per se, it provides insights into place based actions towards net zero and the inequalities and exclusionary effects of such policies and practices.

Profile | Google Scholar

Dr Trivess Moore

Associate Professor

School of Property, Construction and Project Management

RMIT University


Energy efficiency
Energy retrofit
Low carbon transitions
Housing & Planning

Australia & New Zealand

I undertake research in Australia on sustainable housing with a focus on scaling up retrofit including implications on, and for, vulnerable households (including those in, or near, fuel poverty). I am also a Trustee for the Fuel Poverty Research Network (FPRN).

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Dr Sea Rotmann

SEA - Sustainable Energy Advice Ltd


Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Vulnerable people

Australia & New Zealand
UK & Ireland

I lead the HTR Energy Users Task by the Users TCP by IEA. We are undertaking field research pilots focusing on the most marginalised and stigmatised energy users, those who live in "hidden" hardship. Our main focus is how to build and utilise trusted relationships with community and frontline providers, and how to "decolonise" our scientific approach when dealing with such vulnerable whānau.


Dr Graeme Sherriff


School of Health and Society

University of Salford


Energy retrofit
Low carbon transitions
Housing & Planning
Transport poverty

Australia & New Zealand
UK & Ireland

I conduct research on soclal justice considerations in the low carbon transition. In particular, I have explored householder experiences of energy efficient retrofit, researched intersections with health and wellbeing, and conducted fieldwork on the application of social prescribing approaches to fuel poverty. I am chair of the Fuel Poverty Research Network.

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Publications | g.sherriff@salford.ac.uk

Dr Nicola Willand

Senior Lecturer

RMIT University

Melbourne, Australia

Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Energy retrofit
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

Australia & New Zealand

I am an interdisciplinary researcher working at the intersection of housing, social, health and building sciences related to the topic of energy justice. My research focuses on how housing outcomes are shaped by the interrelations of dwelling quality, householder practices and the structural, geographical and social contexts.

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