While the body of scholarship on fuel poverty measurement has grown rapidly, its use in practice has hardly been addressed. Simultaneously, while a significant share of households in fuel poverty lives in social housing estates, the key role of housing associations remains overlooked in ‘just transition’ research. This project intends to combat these mismatches, by proactively engaging with various housing association professionals across Europe to find out how qualitative and quantitative knowledge on fuel poverty can inform alleviation strategies in different policy contexts. It will consist of six focus group interviews with representatives from housing associations in France, the UK, and the Netherlands.
I am very honoured and grateful to be awarded an FPRN EPEC grant. It will allow me to work with housing association professionals across Europe and explore how they can target their most vulnerable tenants with retrofits and other alleviation policies.

Tijn Croon; Joris Hoekstra; Ute Dubois 2023
Tijn provides a summary of his FPRN-funded project, including methodology, findings, and implications.