All sessions from our March 2021 international conference, Making Decarbonisation Fair, are available to watch online. The links will take you through to YouTube.
Day 1
- Plenary 1
Energy poverty in Portugal – policies and lessons for other countries session video
- Panel 1
Energy poverty research in Portugal session video
- João Pedro Gouveia (Chair) Senior Researcher, CENSE, NOVA School of Science and Technology (Lisbon)
- Pedro Palma – PhD Student, CENSE, FCT-NOVA (Lisbon)
Mitigating energy poverty vulnerability in future paradigms video - Katherine Mahoney – PhD Student, CENSE, FCT-NOVA (Lisbon)
Challenges and Opportunities in the Portuguese Energy Transition-The Evidence so far video - Ricardo Barbosa – UMinho
Energy poverty and social housing – the ARCAS project video - Rita Marouço – Project Developer, Coopernico video
- Ana Horta – Researcher, ICS, University of Lisbon video
- Interactive Session 1
Gender struggles: just approaches to energy poverty alleviation session video
- Marielle Feenstra – PhD Candidate, University Twente
- Sergio Tirado Herrero – Research Fellow, Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona
- Joy Clancy – Prof Energy and Gender, University of Twente/CSTM
- Saska Petrova – Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
- Nthabiseng Mohlakoana – Researcher, Stellenbosch University
- Carmen Sánchez-Guevara – Assistant Professor, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Katharina Habersbrunner – Board member, Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF)
Day 2
- Plenary 2
Energy poverty in the EU session video - Panel 2
Energy poverty across the world session video
- Rob Marchand (Chair) FPRN Trustee and Lecturer in Resource Efficiency, Sheffield University Management School; FPRN
- Alejandra Cortes – Lecturer U de Chile and PhD candidate RMIT, Australia., Universidad de Chile and RMIT University, Australia
The background of energy poverty in South Chile video - Anna Sofia Bajomi – PhD Candidate, Politecnico di Milano. Will plans go up in smoke? video
- Carmen Sánchez-Guevara – Assistant Professor, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. What is the role of the public space in the democratisation of decarbonisation? video
- Caroline Porto Valente – PhD Candidate, University of Technology Sydney
Energy poverty among older, low-income Australians video - Raúl Castaño – PhD, Finnish Energy Observatory
George Jiglau – Lecturer, Babes-Boylai University (Cluj-Napoca)
Poverty, energy poverty, vulnerability: breaking the status quo video - Teresa Cuerdo – Researcher, PhD architect, Eduardo Torroja Institute for construction sciences, Spanish National Research Council (IETcc-CSIC)
Reflections on use patterns and energy consumption in Spanish homes during the lockdown video
- Interactive Session 2
Energy and transport poverty in Europe: overlaps, evidence and policies in an era of decarbonisation session video
Day 3
- Interactive Session 3
Inclusive social movements on energy policy session video
- Hyerim Yoon – Lecturer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Sara Fuller – Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University
- Marlies Hesselman – University of Groningen – Faculty of Law
- Mònica Guiteras Blaya – Aliança contra la Pobresa Energètica (APE) i Enginyeria Sense Fronteres (ESF)
- Tomislav Tkalec – Energy Program Coordinator, Focus
- Chloé Verlinden – Project Associate, CityMine(d)
- Panel 3
Retrofit as a tool for decarbonisation and poverty alleviation session video
- William Baker (Chair) Energy advice development lead, Citizens Advice
- Iñigo Antepara – Assistant professor, University of the Basque Country. Low carbon regulations and under-consumption video
- Miguel Macias Sequeira – PhD student | Energy & Climate Researcher, CENSE, NOVA School of Science and Technology. The Green Menu video
- Pablo Hernández – Building energy efficiency engineer, University of the Basque Country. Guaranteeing a minimum temperature of 18 degrees C in low income dwellings video
- Roberto Barrella – Research Assistant, Chair of Energy and Poverty – ICAI School of Engineering, Comillas Pontifical University. Impact of energy refurbishment strategies video
- Sarah Robertson – Research Fellow, RMIT University. Delivering retrofit for all: the view from Australia video
- Lunchtime Guest
The new Fuel Poverty Strategy for England: insights for policy and practice session video
- William Baker – Energy advice development lead, Citizens Advice
- Kirsten Horton – Senior Policy Advisor, BEIS
- Panel 4
Working with communities and vulnerable people session video`
- Danielle Butler (Chair) Senior Research and Policy Officer, NEA
- Irene González-Pijuan and Laura Oliveiras Puig, Sheffield Hallam University. Energy poverty and children – the case of Barcelona video
- Jez Hall – Director, Shared Future CIC. Getting communities on board with just transition video
- Lauren Salmon – Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, Changeworks
Shane Donnellan – Senior Behaviour Change Specialist, Changeworks. Impacts of Decarbonisation video - Marine Cornelis – Executive Director, NextEnergyConsumer. ESRC Just Energy video
Day 4
- Panel 5
Decarbonisation – approaches and challenges session video
- Trivess Moore (Chair) Senior Lecturer, RMIT University. Implications for policy and practice from a low carbon public housing development in Victoria, Australia. video
- Richard Mellish – Executive Advisor, AgilityEco. Decarbonisation of heat and time-of-use tariffs video
- Matthew Scott – Research and Policy Officer, National Energy Action. Disruption and the decarbonisation of heat video
- Rokia Raslan – Associate Professor, UCL. The potential of hard to decarbonise homes as a pathway to energy equity video
- Siddharth Sareen – Associate Professor in Energy and Environment, University of Stavanger. Accountable solar energy transitions video
- Sea Rotmann – Users TCP by IEA. Hard to reach energy users in the residential and commercial sectors video
- Panel 6
Transitions to a just and low-carbon future session video
- Graeme Sherriff (Chair) Research Fellow, University of Salford; FPRN
- Brenda Boardman – Emeritus Research Fellow, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford. Practical aspects of decarbonising the energy poor video
- Louise Sunderland – Senior Advisor, Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)
Equity in the energy transition: who pays, who benefits? video - Lucie Middlemiss – Associate Professor in Sustainability, Co-Director
Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds. Revealing the hidden face of energy poverty in the Netherlands video - Sam Illingworth – Associate Professor, Edinburgh Napier University
Talking about decarbonisation through games video - Rebecca Ford – Strathclyde University. The role of local energy in delivering a just and low-carbon future video
- Maria Jose Manjon – Researcher, Universidad de Comillas. Tackling energy poverty through social entrepreneurship in large companies video
- Lunchtime Guests:
Perspectives from Both Ends of the Spectrum session video
- Marilyn Smith (Chair) Executive Director, The ENERGY ACTION Project (EnAct) / ORENDA Communications
- Lawrence Jones – VP, International, Edison Electric Institute
- Harish Hande – CEO, SELCO Foundation
- Plenary 3:
Towards a just transition: reflections and priorities session video