Putting Fuel Poverty Research into Practice: Presentations

This page provides a summary of the panel presentations at our Putting Fuel Poverty Research in Practice conference in autumn 2024. Where available, the presentation slides can be downloaded as pdfs.

Panel: Housing and Poverty in Greater Manchester
(Monday – 10:45)

Understanding fuel poverty in North West England
(Tuesday – 13:45)

Panel: Fuel Poverty Policy in the UK
(Monday – 15:45)

Panel: International Perspectives
(Tuesday – 15:30)

Panel: Rising to the Retrofit Challenge
(Monday – 14:30)

Panel: Brand new research from FPRN – our EPEC programme
(Tuesday – 09:30)

Research Projects
(Tuesday 13:15 and 15:30)

Talks from around the network – Lightning Talks
(Monday 13:30 and Tuesday 10:30)