This page provides a summary of the panel presentations at our Putting Fuel Poverty Research in Practice conference in autumn 2024. Where available, the presentation slides can be downloaded as pdfs.
Panel: Housing and Poverty in Greater Manchester
(Monday – 10:45)
- Fuel Poverty Action
Hannah Berry and Graeme Langton - United for Warms Homes Campaign (pdf)
Pete Abel, Manchester Friends of the Earth - ECO4 Flex Energy Company Obligation4 Flexible Eligibility
Tina Gandhi and Molly Keane, Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) - Role for Community in Energy Advice Provision (pdf)
Aneaka Kellay, Carbon Coop
Understanding fuel poverty in North West England
(Tuesday – 13:45)
- The Energy Demand Research Centre (pdf)
Katherine Sugar: University of Manchester - The social production of energy vulnerability in England’s private rented sector (pdf)
Neil Simcock: Liverpool John Moores University - Retrofit delivery in social housing (pdf)
Hannah Charles: University of Manchester - Energy justice issues faced by refugees in the UK (pdf)
Manon Burbidge: University of Manchester - Energy poverty and domestic fire safety (pdf)
Aisling O’Rouke: University of Manchester
Panel: Fuel Poverty Policy in the UK
(Monday – 15:45)
- Whose money should pay for energy efficiency in housing? (pdf)
Brenda Boardman: University of Oxford - Fuel poverty policy (pdf)
William Baker: FPRN Trustee and Associate at Sustainability First
Panel: International Perspectives
(Tuesday – 15:30)
- Community Energy for Energy Solidarity (CEES) (pdf)
Marilyn Smith, EnACT - Housing retrofits in Spain: Towards just transitions or deepening housing inequalities (pdf)
Melissa Garcia, Lund University - Energy Poverty ih Canada (pdf)
Andreanne Doyon, Simon Fraser University
Panel: Rising to the Retrofit Challenge
(Monday – 14:30)
- Retrofit in Greater Manchester (pdf)
Graeme Sherriff, University of Salford - Heat pumps and fuel poverty (pdf)
Kate de Selincourt - The Community Retrofit Hub Project (pdf)
Colin Timmins, National Energy Action
Panel: Brand new research from FPRN – our EPEC programme
(Tuesday – 09:30)
- Irene Gonzalez Pijuan: Sheffield Hallam University
- “High Tension”. An ethnographic monograph about an indigenous social resistance movement fighting for and through electricity. (pdf)
Umberto Cao: Aix-Marseille Université - It’s not as easy as ‘heat or eat’: Exploring the intersecting vulnerabilities of energy and food in domestic practices in Australia (pdf)
Bhavna Middha: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology - A linguistic analysis of Pre- and During-COVID representations of fuel poverty (and the (new) fuel poor) in the UK newspaper press (pdf)
Leigh Harrington: University of Manchester
Research Projects
(Tuesday 13:15 and 15:30)
- Research at the University of Salford’s Energy House (pdf)
Dr David Farmer, University of Salford - International perspectives on energy and health: The WELLBASED project (pdf)
Lucie Middlemiss: University of Leeds
Talks from around the network – Lightning Talks
(Monday 13:30 and Tuesday 10:30)
- Energy for all. A Service-Learning project (pdf)
Roberto Barrella: Universidad Pontificia Comillas - Innovations in Tracking Energy Wellbeing in New Zealand (pdf)
Nina Campbell: Consumers International - Telling stories of impact at NEA (pdf)
Hayley Dallman: National Energy Action - Everyday people taking leadership in tackling fuel poverty (pdf)
Sarah Forsey: Citizens UK - Pathways between home energy decarbonisation and health inequalities in high-income countries: a scoping review
Vicki Ponce Hardy: University of Glasgow - Health and financial benefits of home decarbonisation (pdf)
Dorothy Tang: WWF - Retrofit in Greater Manchester (pdf)
Ketki Metha: Salford University - Energy Poverty in Jordan (pdf)
Energy Poverty in Jordan (expanded presentation) (pdf)
Jaber Mohammad Mustafa Mohammad: University of Miskolc - Digital storage heaters: User training does not negate poor design of controls, systems and tarifs (pdf)
Kate Simpson: Nottingham Trent University - Using ethnographic research and partnership working to tackle fuel poverty (pdf)
Abigail Yeates: Wirral Council - Are energy-poor households in England also vulnerable to summer overheating? (pdf)
Lin Zhang: University of Bristol