This Winter’s Lessons: Using Evidence to Understand April’s Energy Policy Changes

Promotional Image - Winter Lessons

29th March 2023
Promotional image - This Winter's Lessons

An online panel discussion about what April’s energy policy changes mean in light of the evidence from this last winter

April will see a number of critical policy changes related to energy. With millions of households experiencing fuel and energy poverty, and many more vulnerable and at risk this year than ever, these policy changes are critical. At this event, we will present the most recent evidence from fuel poverty research this winter and use it to make sense of the policy changes being proposed, overcoming the frequent issue of disconnect between evidence on the ground and evidence fed into policy making due in part to publication timelag and accessibility.

With speakers from across the research, policy and practice spectrum we will be answering questions such as what does evidence tell us about experiences of fuel poverty, what does this mean for the year ahead, and what should be done differently.

The Fuel Poverty Evidence team are delighted to be joined in a panel discussion by: