Putting Energy Poverty Research into Practice
Monday 30th September and Tuesday 1st October, University of Salford
The Fuel Poverty Research Network (FPRN), in collaboration with University of Salford, invited all involved in this important field to join them in Salford this autumn. Whether you are researching fuel poverty or housing, developing policy, or working directly with vulnerable householders, it was an opportunity to meet others, share ideas and stories, and engage with the latest developments.
Across the two days there were sessions with a focus on Greater Manchester, as well as discussions about national, EU and international policy and to learn about brand new research on energy poverty around the world from FPRN-funded early career researchers. There were presentations from researchers around the network, covering histories of home heating, energy and health, the private rented sector, and retrofit challenges in Greater Manchester. The conference included our popular Lightning Talks session, in which delegates from around the network can give short presentations.
In-person only: tour of Energy House, workshops on working together to fix poverty and community energy solidarity, networking and evening social
*A lightning talk is a short presentation (5 – 10 minutes) on latest research or other activities (e.g. a community project, a local authority initiative). All delegates are welcome to submit an idea for a lightning talk. You can indicate at registration that you are interested. We plan to have a lightning talks session on each day.
- Full programme (pdf)
- Presentations