We have created this expert directory to facilitate the accessibility of the work being done on fuel poverty. We hope it will be used by journalists and the media to quickly and easily find subject matter experts on all aspects of fuel poverty. This will enable the research community to add our evidence to the discussion and use it to support policy changes.

The directory is part of the Fuel Poverty Evidence project. We aim to capture the extent and diversity of this wide-ranging field of research. If you would like to be included, please complete this simple form.

Showing 7 matches. Use the filters to explore.

Dr Hande Barlin

Assistant Professor

Gebze Technical University

Istanbul, Turkey

Fuel poverty
Low carbon transitions
Vulnerable people
Public Health


I am a researcher at EU Horizon funded research project on energy poverty, which has six pilots all over Europe.


Dr Umberto Cao


Aix-Marseille University

Marseille, France

Fuel poverty
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing
Public Health

Global South

I am particularly concerned with the impact of energy policies and energy poverty on the most fragile groups of the population, and my work favours an intersectional approach. In addition, I am interested in the experiences and views of indigenous groups from different regions (mainly Latin America) on environmental and energy issues.

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Dr Andrea Gatto

Assistant Professor

Kean University


Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Energy markets
Energy policy
Renewable energy
Low carbon transitions
Vulnerable people

Global South
UK & Ireland

I conduct research on energy economics, policy and regulation issues connected with sustainable development. I acquired experience in renewable, sustainable and cleaner energy transition; energy vulnerability, resilience and poverty; resource governance; energy-food-water nexus; composite indicators; and microfinance projects connected with these subjects. Besides research and teaching, I am president of the CED - Center for Economic Development & Social Change and I serve as editor and reviewer for several of journals in the field.

LinkedIn | Google Scholar | Research Gate | Orcid
WKU | agatto@kean.edu

Irene González-Pijuan

PhD candidate

Sheffield Hallam University


Fuel poverty
Energy policy
Renewable energy
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing
Public Health


My PhD looks at the impacts of energy poverty on children, and specifically how do children experience energy poverty. I have also worked on energy poverty and gender aspects and I am very interested on vulnerable people facing low carbon transitions, so just/fair transitions.


Antonella Mazzone

Leverhulme Early Career Fellow

University of Oxford, University of Bristol


Fuel poverty
Energy policy
Renewable energy
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

Global South
UK & Ireland

I work with Indigenous and marginalised groups to try to understand lived experiences of extreme heat, and I am working towards a people-centred definition of cooling poverty. In these times of increasing and prolonged heatwaves, it is crucial we diversify our knowledge, and share local-based strategies to cope with extreme heat. Journalism can help democratise this information.

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Dr Robinson Elaine

Research Associate

Loughborough University

Ashby de la Zouch

Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Energy policy
Renewable energy
Low carbon transitions
Net zero
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland

I am a Research Associate with the Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP) at Loughborough University. My role involves developing and undertaking quantitative analysis of large data sets, in order to identify patterns and trends related to low income and fuel poverty.


Dr Harriet Thomson

Associate Professor in Global Social Policy

University of Birmingham


Fuel poverty
Renewable energy
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

Global South
UK & Ireland
West Midlands (England)

I am an applied interdisciplinary researcher, and I like collaborating with diverse groups of people to develop holistic solutions to real life energy issues. My research interests include the role of public policy and policymaking processes in shaping energy, structural inequalities in the distribution of affordable and clean forms of energy, health and wellbeing outcomes, and indicators for measuring the complex realities of energy poverty.

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