We have created this expert directory to facilitate the accessibility of the work being done on fuel poverty. We hope it will be used by journalists and the media to quickly and easily find subject matter experts on all aspects of fuel poverty. This will enable the research community to add our evidence to the discussion and use it to support policy changes.

The directory is part of the Fuel Poverty Evidence project. We aim to capture the extent and diversity of this wide-ranging field of research. If you would like to be included, please complete this simple form.

Showing 19 matches. Use the filters to explore.

Pepa Ambrosio-Albala

Research Fellow

School of Earth and Environment

University of Leeds


Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Low carbon transitions
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland
Yorkshire and the Humber

I am a social scientist interested in people's perception, stakeholder engagement and behavioural changes in the area of energy poverty and acceptance of new energy technologies. My research focuses on understanding energy-vulnerable households' capacity to withstand energy poverty and the impact of energy poverty on well-being and health.


Mr William Baker

Freelance fuel poverty researcher


Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Low carbon transitions
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland

I have worked in fuel poverty policy, research and advocacy for over 20 years. I have delivered fuel poverty and energy advice projects (particularly around health) and have much knowledge of the relationship between research and practice. I have undertaken advocacy and policy development work at a European, UK-wide, devolved nation and local authority level. I am also a trustee for the Fuel Poverty Research Network.


Dr Sirid Bonderup


Department of the Built Environment

University of Aalborg

Copenhagen, Denmark

Fuel poverty
Housing & Planning
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland

I work in the intersection of indoor climate research and energy poverty, with a focus on mould, tenant-landlord relationship and housing operation.

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Dr Catherine Butler

Associate Professor

University of Exeter


Fuel poverty
Energy policy
Low carbon transitions
Transport poverty
Health & Wellbeing

Global South
UK & Ireland

My research uses in-depth interviews to understand people’s experiences of deep fuel and transport poverty in the UK with focus on people living in cities, spanning the South and North of the UK. I also work on issues of low carbon energy transition and access in South Africa. I focus on how energy use affects wellbeing in multiple connected ways, including abilities to access/use digital services and transport as well as heat/cooling and light.

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Dr Danielle Butler

Senior Research and Policy Officer

National Energy Action


Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Energy policy
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland

I am a Senior Research and Policy Officer at leading fuel poverty charity National Energy Action and Trustee and Founder of the Fuel Poverty Research Network. My work has largely focused on the lived experience of fuel poverty among ‘at risk’ groups, such as renters, older and younger householders, and those in rural and remote settings. I also research the design and development of energy-related advice and programmes support and how this functions as an essential element of wider efforts to tackle fuel poverty. I have worked extensively with a wide range of research funders, partners and other key stakeholders including governments, the health sector, statutory, and third sector organisations, both in the UK and beyond.


Dr Umberto Cao


Aix-Marseille University

Marseille, France

Fuel poverty
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing
Public Health

Global South

I am particularly concerned with the impact of energy policies and energy poverty on the most fragile groups of the population, and my work favours an intersectional approach. In addition, I am interested in the experiences and views of indigenous groups from different regions (mainly Latin America) on environmental and energy issues.

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Dr Andrea Gatto

Assistant Professor

Kean University


Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Energy markets
Energy policy
Renewable energy
Low carbon transitions
Vulnerable people

Global South
UK & Ireland

I conduct research on energy economics, policy and regulation issues connected with sustainable development. I acquired experience in renewable, sustainable and cleaner energy transition; energy vulnerability, resilience and poverty; resource governance; energy-food-water nexus; composite indicators; and microfinance projects connected with these subjects. Besides research and teaching, I am president of the CED - Center for Economic Development & Social Change and I serve as editor and reviewer for several of journals in the field.

LinkedIn | Google Scholar | Research Gate | Orcid
WKU | agatto@kean.edu

Irene González-Pijuan

PhD candidate

Sheffield Hallam University


Fuel poverty
Energy policy
Renewable energy
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing
Public Health


My PhD looks at the impacts of energy poverty on children, and specifically how do children experience energy poverty. I have also worked on energy poverty and gender aspects and I am very interested on vulnerable people facing low carbon transitions, so just/fair transitions.


Mr Mohammed Jaber

PhD Candidate

University of Miskolc

Miskolc, Hungary

Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Energy policy
Low carbon transitions
Health & Wellbeing

I am a PhD candidate researching energy poverty in Jordan and its impact on people's daily lives. My research uses various methods to understand the challenges and opportunities for addressing energy poverty in the country.


Antonella Mazzone

Leverhulme Early Career Fellow

University of Oxford, University of Bristol


Fuel poverty
Energy policy
Renewable energy
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

Global South
UK & Ireland

I work with Indigenous and marginalised groups to try to understand lived experiences of extreme heat, and I am working towards a people-centred definition of cooling poverty. In these times of increasing and prolonged heatwaves, it is crucial we diversify our knowledge, and share local-based strategies to cope with extreme heat. Journalism can help democratise this information.

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Professor Lucie Middlemiss

Professor of Environment and Society

University of Leeds


Fuel poverty
Energy markets
Energy retrofit
Low carbon technologies
Net zero
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland
Yorkshire and the Humber

I am interested in how people experience fuel poverty in daily life, as well as how policy and the energy market shape these experiences. I also research the transition to Net Zero, and how it is likely to impact on those that are already vulnerable (including those already in fuel poverty).

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Dr Robinson Elaine

Research Associate

Loughborough University

Ashby de la Zouch

Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Energy policy
Renewable energy
Low carbon transitions
Net zero
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland

I am a Research Associate with the Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP) at Loughborough University. My role involves developing and undertaking quantitative analysis of large data sets, in order to identify patterns and trends related to low income and fuel poverty.


Matthew Scott

Policy and Practice Officer

Chartered Institute of Housing

Newcastle upon Tyne

Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Low carbon transitions
Net zero
Housing & Planning
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland
East Midlands (England)
East of England
North East England
North West England

I am a policy and practice officer at the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), the UK professional body for people who work or have an interest in housing. At CIH I lead our policy work on fuel poverty, energy efficiency, and decarbonisation.


Dr Neil Simcock

Senior Lecturer

Liverpool John Moores University

Fuel poverty
Energy markets
Housing & Planning
Private rental sector
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland

My current research focuses on power and inequality. I aim to uncover the institutional and structural arrangements that render some people vulnerable to energy poverty, such as the design of energy/housing markets and the stigmatisation of marginalised groups in society.

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Dr Carolyn Snell

Reader in Social Policy

School for Business and Society

University of York


Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Energy retrofit
Energy policy
Low carbon transitions
Net zero
Housing & Planning
Transport poverty
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland
Yorkshire and the Humber

I am an expert in the relationship between climate policy, fuel poverty, and policy. I strongly believe that we can address climate change goals (e.g. net zero) in a fair and just way that lifts the most vulnerable out of fuel poverty.

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Dr Harriet Thomson

Associate Professor in Global Social Policy

University of Birmingham


Fuel poverty
Renewable energy
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

Global South
UK & Ireland
West Midlands (England)

I am an applied interdisciplinary researcher, and I like collaborating with diverse groups of people to develop holistic solutions to real life energy issues. My research interests include the role of public policy and policymaking processes in shaping energy, structural inequalities in the distribution of affordable and clean forms of energy, health and wellbeing outcomes, and indicators for measuring the complex realities of energy poverty.

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Dr Sergio Tirade-Herrero

Ramón y Cajal' Research Fellow

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)

Madrid, Spain

Fuel poverty
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing


I am a socio-environmental scientist conducting interdisciplinary research on household energy from an energy poverty and justice perspective. My work looks into the inequality impacts of low-carbon transitions, the links between access to housing and energy and the regional dimensions of energy poverty in the Mediterranean and Central and Eastern Europe. I have more than ten years of advisory experience on climate and energy policy and the measurement of energy poverty through indicators. A current focus of my research is on household energy debt, supply disconnections, informal connections, and energy access issues.

Profile | Twitter | Google Scholar | Research Gate | Orcid

Dr Nicola Willand

Senior Lecturer

RMIT University

Melbourne, Australia

Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Energy retrofit
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

Australia & New Zealand

I am an interdisciplinary researcher working at the intersection of housing, social, health and building sciences related to the topic of energy justice. My research focuses on how housing outcomes are shaped by the interrelations of dwelling quality, householder practices and the structural, geographical and social contexts.

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Mr Tom Woolley

Researcher and Environmental Consultant

Rachel Bevan Architects and Ecological Design Association

Downpatrick, Northern Ireland

Fuel poverty
Energy retrofit
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland
Northern Ireland

Expertise in the impact of retrofit disasters, mould, and damp on health.
