We have created this expert directory to facilitate the accessibility of the work being done on fuel poverty. We hope it will be used by journalists and the media to quickly and easily find subject matter experts on all aspects of fuel poverty. This will enable the research community to add our evidence to the discussion and use it to support policy changes.

The directory is part of the Fuel Poverty Evidence project. We aim to capture the extent and diversity of this wide-ranging field of research. If you would like to be included, please complete this simple form.

Showing 7 matches. Use the filters to explore.

Professor Aimee Ambrose

Professor of Energy and Society

Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR)

Sheffield Hallam University

Sheffield, UK

Fuel poverty
Energy policy
Low carbon transitions
Private rental sector

Australia & New Zealand
UK & Ireland

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Professor Stefan Bouzarovski

Professor of Human Geography

People and Energy Collaborative, Manchester Urban Institute

University of Manchester


Fuel poverty
Energy retrofit
Low carbon transitions
Private rental sector
Vulnerable people

Global South
North West England

I have extensive experience (30 years) in providing expert advice on issues of energy poverty and justice, energy efficiency, and transitions to low-carbon futures across UK, Europe and the Global South, as part of more than 60 projects funded by international organizations, national governments, charitable bodies and the private sector. I have specialist expertise in energy inequality measurement and identification, socio-demographics, as well as energy policy development and evaluation. This has been presented in over 150 peer-reviewed scientific publications and seven books on the subject.

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Dr Jenni Cauvain

Senior Lecturer in Sociology

Nottingham Trent University


Energy retrofit
Low carbon transitions
Housing & Planning
Private rental sector

Other (add below)

I have experience in low carbon transitions and retrofit from a local government perspective, based on my work in academic research (university), policy development (think tank), practitioner (in local government and social housing), and cross-sectoral collaborations in all three fields.


Matt Copeland

Head of Policy and Public Affairs

National Energy Action


Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Energy markets
Net zero
Private rental sector

UK & Ireland

I have worked at National Energy Action (NEA) for four years, focussing on shaping the energy market so that it works well for fuel poor and vulnerable households, as well as campaigning for a fair and affordable transition to net zero.

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Dr Andrea Gatto

Assistant Professor

Kean University


Fuel poverty
Energy efficiency
Energy markets
Energy policy
Renewable energy
Low carbon transitions
Vulnerable people

Global South
UK & Ireland

I conduct research on energy economics, policy and regulation issues connected with sustainable development. I acquired experience in renewable, sustainable and cleaner energy transition; energy vulnerability, resilience and poverty; resource governance; energy-food-water nexus; composite indicators; and microfinance projects connected with these subjects. Besides research and teaching, I am president of the CED - Center for Economic Development & Social Change and I serve as editor and reviewer for several of journals in the field.

LinkedIn | Google Scholar | Research Gate | Orcid
WKU | agatto@kean.edu

Professor Lucie Middlemiss

Professor of Environment and Society

University of Leeds


Fuel poverty
Energy markets
Energy retrofit
Low carbon technologies
Net zero
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland
Yorkshire and the Humber

I am interested in how people experience fuel poverty in daily life, as well as how policy and the energy market shape these experiences. I also research the transition to Net Zero, and how it is likely to impact on those that are already vulnerable (including those already in fuel poverty).

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Dr Neil Simcock

Senior Lecturer

Liverpool John Moores University

Fuel poverty
Energy markets
Housing & Planning
Private rental sector
Vulnerable people
Health & Wellbeing

UK & Ireland

My current research focuses on power and inequality. I aim to uncover the institutional and structural arrangements that render some people vulnerable to energy poverty, such as the design of energy/housing markets and the stigmatisation of marginalised groups in society.

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