We have created this expert directory to facilitate the accessibility of the work being done on fuel poverty. We hope it will be used by journalists and the media to quickly and easily find subject matter experts on all aspects of fuel poverty. This will enable the research community to add our evidence to the discussion and use it to support policy changes.
The directory is part of the Fuel Poverty Evidence project. We aim to capture the extent and diversity of this wide-ranging field of research. If you would like to be included, please complete this simple form.
Showing 25 matches. Use the filters to explore.
Mo Hosein Abbasi
PhD Researcher
Liverpool John Moores University

I am an interdisciplinary energy researcher currently investigating the interconnections between social factors of heat decarbonisation, e.g. fuel poverty, thermal comfort, health impacts, public acceptability, safety, etc., with the economic and environmental factors and their role in delivering a just and sustainable transition. Prior to this I worked for almost 7 years in building energy services and the energy-environment startup ecosystem.
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Professor Aimee Ambrose
Professor of Energy and Society
Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR)
Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield, UK

Pepa Ambrosio-Albala
Research Fellow
School of Earth and Environment
University of Leeds

I am a social scientist interested in people's perception, stakeholder engagement and behavioural changes in the area of energy poverty and acceptance of new energy technologies. My research focuses on understanding energy-vulnerable households' capacity to withstand energy poverty and the impact of energy poverty on well-being and health.

Mr William Baker
Freelance fuel poverty researcher

I have worked in fuel poverty policy, research and advocacy for over 20 years. I have delivered fuel poverty and energy advice projects (particularly around health) and have much knowledge of the relationship between research and practice. I have undertaken advocacy and policy development work at a European, UK-wide, devolved nation and local authority level. I am also a trustee for the Fuel Poverty Research Network.
Dr Hande Barlin
Assistant Professor
Gebze Technical University
Istanbul, Turkey

I am a researcher at EU Horizon funded research project on energy poverty, which has six pilots all over Europe.

Professor Stefan Bouzarovski
Professor of Human Geography
People and Energy Collaborative, Manchester Urban Institute
University of Manchester

I have extensive experience (30 years) in providing expert advice on issues of energy poverty and justice, energy efficiency, and transitions to low-carbon futures across UK, Europe and the Global South, as part of more than 60 projects funded by international organizations, national governments, charitable bodies and the private sector. I have specialist expertise in energy inequality measurement and identification, socio-demographics, as well as energy policy development and evaluation. This has been presented in over 150 peer-reviewed scientific publications and seven books on the subject.
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Dr Paul Bridgen
Associate Professor of Social Policy
School of Economic, Social and Political Sciences
University of Southampton

I have a detailed knowledge of fuel poverty and policy in the UK over the last 30 years. I am particularly interested in the geographic distribution of fuel poverty, on which I have just completed a paper (with Cait Robinson). This found current policy using Energy Company Obligations (ECO) is not well targeted on areas in greatest need.

Dr Milena Buchs
University of Leeds

My work focuses on justice implications of climate and energy policy, including on impacts on fuel and transport poverty. I am particularly interested in policies that support needs satisfaction for all in the energy and transport sectors while targeting high energy use.
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Dr Catherine Butler
Associate Professor
University of Exeter

My research uses in-depth interviews to understand people’s experiences of deep fuel and transport poverty in the UK with focus on people living in cities, spanning the South and North of the UK. I also work on issues of low carbon energy transition and access in South Africa. I focus on how energy use affects wellbeing in multiple connected ways, including abilities to access/use digital services and transport as well as heat/cooling and light.
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Dr Jenni Cauvain
Senior Lecturer in Sociology
Nottingham Trent University

I have experience in low carbon transitions and retrofit from a local government perspective, based on my work in academic research (university), policy development (think tank), practitioner (in local government and social housing), and cross-sectoral collaborations in all three fields.

Dr Andrea Gatto
Assistant Professor
Kean University

I conduct research on energy economics, policy and regulation issues connected with sustainable development. I acquired experience in renewable, sustainable and cleaner energy transition; energy vulnerability, resilience and poverty; resource governance; energy-food-water nexus; composite indicators; and microfinance projects connected with these subjects. Besides research and teaching, I am president of the CED - Center for Economic Development & Social Change and I serve as editor and reviewer for several of journals in the field.
LinkedIn | Google Scholar | Research Gate | Orcid
WKU | agatto@kean.edu

Dr João Pedro Gouveia
Senior Researcher and Invited Professor
CENSE, NOVA School of Science and Technology
NOVA University of Lisbon (FCT-NOVA)

I am a principal investigator of multiple national and international research and consultancy projects and high-level policy support studies on buildings' energy efficiency, energy poverty, sustainable cities, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. I am part of the Coordination team of EPAH - EU Energy Poverty Advisory Hub for DG Energy, European Commission, where we have been conducting research on national and local indicators, mapping energy poverty actions worldwide, and supporting EU local authorities for energy poverty mitigation.
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Energy Poverty Advisory Hub | jplg@fct.unl.pt

Prof. Ralph Horne
Associate Deputy Vice Chancellor and Professor of Geography
Post-Carbon Research Centre
RMIT University

I am doing multi-site research over time in England and Australia, and across Europe. While this work is not comparative per se, it provides insights into place based actions towards net zero and the inequalities and exclusionary effects of such policies and practices.
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Mr Mohammed Jaber
PhD Candidate
University of Miskolc
Miskolc, Hungary

I am a PhD candidate researching energy poverty in Jordan and its impact on people's daily lives. My research uses various methods to understand the challenges and opportunities for addressing energy poverty in the country.

Dr Kirsten Jenkins
Lecturer in Energy, Environment and Society
University of Edinburgh

I am an internationally recognised expert on issues of energy justice, just transitions, and fuel poverty, alongside broader specialisms in energy policy, energy transitions, and sustainable energy provision and use. I am the academic member of the Scottish Government's Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel, a new advisory Public Body advising on tackling both fuel poverty and extreme fuel poverty in Scotland.
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Professor Mari Martiskainen
Professor of Energy and Society
Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS)
University of Sussex

I am a social scientist with a specific interest in how people are affected by fuel poverty and transport poverty. My research has focused on the lived experiences of people, particularly how being in fuel poverty and/or transport poverty affects people's every day life. I have also researched community action on fuel poverty, spatial aspects and the impact of different policies.
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Dr Trivess Moore
Associate Professor
School of Property, Construction and Project Management
RMIT University

I undertake research in Australia on sustainable housing with a focus on scaling up retrofit including implications on, and for, vulnerable households (including those in, or near, fuel poverty). I am also a Trustee for the Fuel Poverty Research Network (FPRN).
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Dr Caroline Mullen
Associate Professor
Institute for Transport Studies
University of Leeds

I research inclusion and inequalities in transport and mobility, investigating factors affecting people's ability to make the journeys they need. I focus on availability and affordability of transport services, and conditions required for safe cycling and walking and fairness in transitions to low carbon mobility.

Dr Rokia Raslan
Associate Professor
University College London
London, UK

My research focuses on the development of evidence-based built environment decarbonisation policy that is inclusive (considers all sectors of the building stock) & resilient (to future climate change). I am an expert in identifying equitable solutions for Hard to Decarbonise Homes, where the reduction of carbon emissions involves costs that are higher, barriers that are more difficult to overcome, or solutions that are more complex to implement
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Dr Robinson Elaine
Research Associate
Loughborough University
Ashby de la Zouch

I am a Research Associate with the Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP) at Loughborough University. My role involves developing and undertaking quantitative analysis of large data sets, in order to identify patterns and trends related to low income and fuel poverty.
Matthew Scott
Policy and Practice Officer
Chartered Institute of Housing
Newcastle upon Tyne

I am a policy and practice officer at the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), the UK professional body for people who work or have an interest in housing. At CIH I lead our policy work on fuel poverty, energy efficiency, and decarbonisation.

Dr Graeme Sherriff
School of Health and Society
University of Salford

I conduct research on soclal justice considerations in the low carbon transition. In particular, I have explored householder experiences of energy efficient retrofit, researched intersections with health and wellbeing, and conducted fieldwork on the application of social prescribing approaches to fuel poverty. I am chair of the Fuel Poverty Research Network.
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Publications | g.sherriff@salford.ac.uk

Dr Fiona Shirani
Research Associate
Cardiff University

I specialise in research that uses in-depth approaches over time to explore people's views and experiences of energy system transition, with a particular focus on the implications for those living in energy vulnerable households. My research has encompassed different energy technologies and new developments such as low carbon housing.

Dr Carolyn Snell
Reader in Social Policy
School for Business and Society
University of York

I am an expert in the relationship between climate policy, fuel poverty, and policy. I strongly believe that we can address climate change goals (e.g. net zero) in a fair and just way that lifts the most vulnerable out of fuel poverty.
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Lin Zhang
Postdoctoral Research Associate
School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol
University of Bristol

As a Chinese fuel poverty expert I offer a unique perspective on the challenges faced by vulnerable communities and provide practical solutions for reducing energy inequalities. My work combines extensive expertise with a passion for making complex issues accessible to a broader audience.