FPRN bulletin – 27th May 2022

27 May 2022
Colourful Pencils

Welcome to our first email bulletin.

The FPRN email bulletin will be a semi-regular email highlighting a handpicked selection of recently published research and other knowledge outputs in the area of fuel/energy poverty from around the world. The aim is to share this emerging knowledge more widely and to help generate discussion across the network.

If you have any issues accessing the below articles, or you have articles, research or other information we could share, please contact newsletter@fuelpovertyresearch.net

And then there was light: A story about energy poverty and childhood (pdf)
Irene González Pijuan (2022)
 Digital Booklet  Open Access 

A brilliant and colourful book produced in collaboration with Alliance against Energy Poverty @APE_Cat and Engineers without Borders in Barcelona @ESFCatalunya. Supported by our Energy Poverty in Early Career (EPEC) programme.

Cost of living: the unhealthy coping strategies which are likely to rise as energy bills soar – plus how to get help (The Conversation)
Aimee Ambrose (2022)
 Comment  Open Access 

This article explores the the various strategies that vulnerable households in the UK undertake to try to cope with increasing energy costs, the implications this has on things such as health and wellbeing and how these households can get help.

Energy and transport poverty amidst plenty: Exploring just transition, lived experiences and policy implications in Iceland (Science Direct)
Paul Upham, Benjamin K. Sovacool, Chukwuka G. Monyeia (2022)
 Conference Paper 

This paper examines transport and energy poverty in the context of Iceland’s largely renewable energy supply and identified those most at risk of poverty (female and immigrant adults) and discusses what the lived experience of transport and energy poverty means for energy transitions in Iceland and elsewhere.

Energy Citizenship; Ideals, Ideology and Ideal types in the Energy Transition (Research Gate)
Bonno Pel, Ariane Debourdeau, Rene Kemp, Adina Dumitru, Edina Vadovics, Martina Schäfer, Marianna Markantoni, Benjamin Schmid, Francis Fahy, Aurore Fransolet & Karin Thalberg (2022)
 Academic Paper 

This report explores the idea of energy citizenship and identified three interrelated clusters of challenges in the emerging research in this area: 1) the multiplicity of ideals; 2) the performativity of idealizing social constructions and 3) the associated methodological challenges of operationalizing the concept into concrete empirical observables and relevant ‘cases of energy citizenship’.

Summer energy poverty in Mediterranean urban areas (pdf)
Lidija Živčič, Sergio Tirado-Herrero (2022)

This paper explores the issue of summer energy poverty and calls for improved consideration by research and policy makers of this issue to reshape responses to energy poverty across the EU.

Energy Poverty in Austria and Perspectives from Social Science (pdf)
Thomas Berger (2022)
 Academic Paper  Open Access 

This paper discusses the current situation and research on energy poverty in Austria and presents findings from a case study from the Austrian province of Styria.

We’re also producing a special issue special issue of the journal People, Policy and Place on Decarbonisation and Energy Poverty. Four articles have already been published and more will follow soon.

This email newsletter is produced by the Fuel Poverty Research Network. For more news and events visit our website.