FPRN bulletin – 28th April 2023

28 April 2023

Welcome to our email bulletin.

The FPRN email bulletin is a semi-regular email highlighting a handpicked selection of recently published research and other knowledge outputs in the area of fuel/energy poverty from around the world. The aim is to share this emerging knowledge more widely and to help generate discussion across the network.

If you have any issues accessing the below articles, or you have articles, research or other information we could share, please contact newsletter@fuelpovertyresearch.net

Upcoming event: Smart homes & fuel poverty in Australia: improving outcomes or locking in vulnerabilities? 11th May 19:00 Melbourne, 11:00 Brussels, 10:00 London. See here for more details and to register.

Energy culture. Change pathways in the city of Coyhaique (YouTube)
Catalina Amigo; Alejandra Cortés (2023)
 Video  Open Access 

This 20 minute documentary showcases the experience of households in the city of Coyhaique which are experiencing processes of change due to institutional air decontamination policies.

2022 Menino Survey of Mayors: economic opportunity, poverty & well-being (website)
 Report  Open Access 

This is the ninth nationally representative survey of American mayors and is based on interviews with 118 sitting mayors from 38 states. The report explores mayoral views on climate and energy, poverty and rising costs of living, and health and safety.

Stakeholder perspectives on neglected and vulnerable households in smart grids (website)
Ekaterina Tarasova; Anna Wallsten (2023)
 Academic Paper  Open Access 

This paper explores how a broad range of actors in society think about neglected and vulnerable households in smart grids in Sweden.  Three narratives are identified that frame potentially neglected households as consumers without economic benefits; as users without technological interests, competences, and access to technologies; and as households with intersecting vulnerabilities; which results in different implications for policy.

RE-DWELL Conference “Housing co-creation for tomorrow’s cities” (pdf)
Various (2023)
 Conference Paper  Open Access 

This is the conference proceedings from the RE-DWELL conference. The proceedings cover a range of topics and authors across 6 key panels.

Energy Transition for a sustainable society (pdf)
Wilfried Winiwarter; Viktor J. Bruckman (Eds.) (2023)
 Report  Open Access 

A collection of 14 short opinion articles addressing topics around the energy transition for a sustainable society from a range of different authors. Topics include the current energy context, transitions pathways, energy savings, decent living standards and more.

Also, check out our special issue of the journal People, Policy and Place on Decarbonisation and Energy Poverty.

This email newsletter is produced by the Fuel Poverty Research Network. For more news and events visit our website.