Welcome to our email bulletin.
The FPRN email bulletin is a semi-regular email highlighting a handpicked selection of recently published research and other knowledge outputs in the area of fuel/energy poverty from around the world. The aim is to share this emerging knowledge more widely and to help generate discussion across the network.
If you have any issues accessing the below articles, or you have articles, research or other information we could share, please contact newsletter@fuelpovertyresearch.net
Paul Simshauser (2022)
Academic Paper Open Access
This working paper explores fuel poverty across three different periods (2015/16, 2021/22 and 2023/24) in Queensland (Australia) exploring the impact of rapidly escalating energy prices. Levels of fuel poverty vary over time but are expected to increase over coming years. The Queensland governments range of hardship policies are expected to mitigate some of this, but there are still challenges reducing fuel poverty in a climate of increasing energy prices.
Nicola Willand (2022)
Academic Paper Open Access
This paper draws upon the Australian in-home aged care services as a case study and explores how stakeholders (front-line workers, executives and policy makers) perceived the idea of integrating energy assistance with health services for people aged 65 and over. The research highlights a number of important findings but also the need for further research in this area.
Lucie Middlemiss; Aimee Ambrose; Neil Simcock; Mari Martiskainen; Graeme Sheriff (2022)
Comment Open Access
This two page research and policy brief outlines the likely effects on households in the UK this winter in relation to fuel poverty and the cost of living crisis. The authors raise the urgency of policy and support development which is targeted to vulnerable households
Amy Clair; Emma Baker (2022)
Academic Paper Open Access
This paper uses data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study to explore whether living in a cold home causes mental health harm. The analysis finds significant negative mental health outcomes from those living in cold housing and that there is a significant individual and social cost of failing to ensure that people are able to live in homes in which they are able to live comfortably by even the most basic standards.
Dimitris Papantonis; Dimitra Tzani; Manon Burbidge; Vassilis Stavrakas; Stefan Bouzarovski; Alexandros Flamos (2022)
Academic Paper Open Access
This paper explores the structural factors that act as barriers to, and solutions for, the implementation of energy efficiency policies in the private rented sector across Europe. The findings suggest that although financial barriers are always of the essence, a holistic assessment of barriers is required, as there is a lack of awareness about policies that could improve tenants’ living conditions. The authors also reflect on implications for policy making.
Audrey Dobbins (2022)
Academic Paper Open Access
This PhD explores the impact of energy poverty on household energy use and emissions in Germany. In doing so it provides an empirical basis for recognising the significance of energy poverty outside of the current “vulnerable consumers” lens and within the energy transition process.
Luiza Brabo-Catala; Eva Collins; Barry Barton (2022)
Academic Paper Open Access
This article explores the proposed definition and indicators of energy hardship developed by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment with reflections from five New Zealand experts. The analysis finds that the proposed energy hardship description and measures are well-aligned with the recommendations given by the experts and should enable more effective energy hardship interventions.
We have also now launched our special issue of the journal People, Policy and Place on Decarbonisation and Energy Poverty.
This email newsletter is produced by the Fuel Poverty Research Network. For more news and events visit our website.