Welcome to our email bulletin.
The FPRN email bulletin is a semi-regular email highlighting a handpicked selection of recently published research and other knowledge outputs in the area of fuel/energy poverty from around the world. The aim is to share this emerging knowledge more widely and to help generate discussion across the network.
If you have any issues accessing the below articles, or you have articles, research or other information we could share, please contact newsletter@fuelpovertyresearch.net
Diana Valero; Jess Cook; Angus Lee; Alison L. Browne; Rowan Ellis; Vidya Sagar Pancholi; Claire Hoolohan (2023)
Academic Paper
This paper explores the issue of water poverty and implications on, and for, social policy. While not on fuel poverty, the discussion may have implications for fuel poverty research and policy development.
Neil Stephen A. Lopez; Christian Roice C. Tayag; Ivan Henderson V. Gue (2023)
Academic Paper Open Access
This study assessed the relationship between household energy consumption and emission levels with income and other metrics in the Philippines. The direct relationship between income and electricity reliance has implications for policymakers when considering energy and sustainability policy outcomes.
Aprilina Tri Widyastuti; Djoni Hartono; Estiana Rusmawati; Danar Sutopo Sidig (2023)
Academic Paper Open Access
This paper explores the association between financial inclusion and energy poverty in Indonesia. The authors discuss what the findings mean in relation for policy development in Indonesia.
Martin Buchner; Miriam Rehm (2023)
Academic Paper Open Access
This study investigates the relationship between energy poverty and health in Germany. The data finds that energy poverty is associated with a 6.5% to 6.8% increase in the odds ratio of experiencing worse health categories which increased to 19.6% higher odds for those who can’t afford to maintain a warm home during winter.
Rossella Bardazzi; Luca Bortolotti; Maria Grazia Pazienza (2023)
Academic Paper Open Access
This paper explores data from Italy across 2004–2015 to compare four widely used unidimensional indicators and the complementarity of these indicators. The authors discuss how this knowledge can help improve policy development and implementation.
This email newsletter is produced by the Fuel Poverty Research Network. For more news and events visit our website.